Thursday, January 31, 2013

"Living the Braced Fantasy" print edition on Amazon

Living the Braced Fantasy has been available in print at Lulu already, but now it's also listed at Amazon, so you can get it there - at or or all the others. I finally got my copy of the print edition and think it looks great, but most readers seem to prefer the ebook format (it is cheaper and quicker to get). But now the print version is easy to get too.

I'm glad that people have been buying this and some of thge otehr Dr.Wrighting books and I hope they're enjoying them!

1 comment:

MikeFXB said...

That's good news! Having a print edition on Amazon can only help sales. I did note that there's apparently some kind of formatting issue in the book description, so you might try to get that fixed.

I recently convinced my wife to start reading the Erotic Orthodontic Encounter series and she's enjoying them. Very cool.